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Fitness DVD : Davina - Fit in 15 DVD


Product CodeFITLC85T94

DVD Description :

You're not going to believe what we've got for you! With this new workout you can get fit and toned with just 15 minutes exercise a day! Just do a combination of Jackie and Mark's amazing 15 minute workouts and you'll see real results, so even if you're super busy you can get FIT IN 15! There are four 15 minute workouts which are all designed to burn fat and tone muscle, and if you're feeling really energised you can even join 2 or 3 of the workouts together. There's no need for a separate warm up because all the workouts build in intensity, however you must ALWAYS do the cool down stretch! CARDIO 15 30 second bursts of jumping , kicking and squats with 15 second rest periods in-between. The ultimate fat burner! LEGS 15 A squat-tastic 15 minutes of high energy leg exercises to shape your thighs and bottom ARMS 15 High intensity exercises with weights, all to help you define those delts and banish those bingo wings! CORE 15 15 minutes of intense abdominal work, great for toning and shaping STRETCH & CHILLOUT After every workout, you must do the cool down stretch - it's short and sweet but absolutely essential! For weekends or when you have a bit more time, add on the developmental stretch and meditation to feel the tension disappear I really hope you enjoy FIT IN 15, I think it's our cleverest workout yet! Davina xx

Number Of Discs : 1

Format : PAL