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BBC DVD : Doctor Who - Series 2 Vol. 4 DVD


Product CodeBBC6P3NV38

DVD Description :

Three more episodes of the BBC's relaunched version of the sci-fi classic, starring David Tennant as the legendary Time Lord, and Billlie Piper as his human sidekick Rose. In 'The Impossible Planet', the TARDIS materialises on a moonbase far in the future, on an asteroid that is orbiting a black hole. Somehow the asteroid is resisting the black hole's gravitational pull, but as the crew of the base start to experience strange visions, and as their Ood servants start to develop minds of their own, the Doctor learns that a mysterious creature calling itself 'The Beast' is buried in a pit deep below the planet's surface. In the second part, 'The Satan Pit', the Doctor ventures into the pit to confront the Beast - but could this nightmarish creature really be the Devil itself? In 'Love and Monsters', a group of lonely misfits, who have all found their lives affected in some way by the Doctor, come together to form a support group. But when the sinister and flamboyant Victor Kennedy (Peter Kay) joins them, he seems to have an agenda of his own. Why does he really want to find the Doctor, and why are the other members of the group disappearing? Marc Warren and Shirley Henderson also star in this episode.


Number Of Discs : 1

Format : PAL